Marrakesh Express
Collector’s Items


(All prices include Priority Mail shipping and insurance within the United States. Inquire about shipping to other countries.)


I’m adding a special section for these items because the prices are higher than usual and I wanted to explain why.  These are the kind of pieces that rarely come on the market any more; I fear the women who made them are literally a dying breed.  I have found some smaller, more recent pieces finely made, so the skills aren’t entirely gone, but it seems people don’t take, or have, the time to make large pieces like those below.  These are older and very finely woven; it’s a real pity that my camera couldn’t capture that on the overall photos.  Both are a deep rich maroon that I wonder if might be a vegetable dye, the red made from madder roots.  I’m not a dye expert, so really can’t say, but as an ethnographer I went to a rural shop last summer that was selling the root and asked what people used it for and he said dye, so evidently the practice has not died out. Although the pieces below are both sold, I am including them in case you would like to order one, which you can do by emailing me from the To Order link below. Of course they would not be exactly the same, but I have had a few clients who wanted one and I managed to find something comparable. But do not wait too long: they are getting harder and harder to find!


Soon I will be adding some pieces from my personal collection; I am moving to a smaller place and can't keep them all. Since I usually keep the best pieces for myself, and have collected these over 25 years - stay tuned!





Piece 0.112838 is an antique classic Zemmour piece, the kind you rarely find any more.  The size is made for a traditional room, and the color a rich maroon with design bands in black, white and orange, which you can see on the overview.  The work is very fine and regular.  The gold tufts, which you can see best on the close-up (click the small photo), are probably silk, something else you don’t find in Moroccan rugs any more.  (They use the same Arabic word, hrir, for rayon, which is used for today’s Tiflet pieces.)  This piece measures 5’8” x 9’8” and the price is $1800. SOLD but see above.





Piece 0.112840 is probably the most finely woven Zemmour piece I have seen until now (one can always keep hoping to find such things!).  It is an antique flatweave in a rich maroon with the traditional design in white, black and orange.  You can see the laciness of the design on the overall photo, even if my camera doesn’t capture the detail.  However, the enlarged close-up shows what a gorgeous piece this is.  Notice how the design bands are each bordered by symmetrical bands in another design, and sometimes by two sets of these bands.  I couldn’t quite capture the rich maroon on the close-up, but it does show a design band on the left that I have never seen before.  There are also tufts between some rows, mostly in maroon wool, but a few in orange or violet silk.  This piece is 5’9” x 9’11” and costs $2000.  SOLD but see above.